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 Les Bonbons

It's about hunger, it's a tease, it's a plea.... It's a warning !

 Save Jobs at BMC

Sign the petition to save jobs at Birmingham Met College

 Top 10 Things To

Going off to university this September? Not sure what to take with you?

 Greg Rucka Signin

Greg Rucka, popular comic writer does a signing at Forbidden Planet Bristol.

 Love Is Good

The news we all wanted to hear


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Features - Banks ignore foreign students

The National Union of Students also found that 27% of overseas had not been given debit cards, while many felt they had suffered discrimination. Benson Osawe, NUS International Students Officer, said the findings were "shocking". Some 1,700 students, representing 134 nationalities, were interviewed. Mr Osawe said: "With course costs that continue to rise way above the rate of inflation, we have to keep a careful eye on our money. "But without access to the same banking facilities that home students can enjoy, such as an overdraft or even a cheque book, this is increasingly difficult." The survey comes amid Foreign Office plans to up the cost of a visa for non-EU students from £36 to £85, to cover increased administration costs. Universities UK, which represents vice chancellors, says foreign students are currently being used as "cash cows". It estimates that non-UK students contribute £10.2bn a year to the national economy and £4bn to higher education.


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