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 Les Bonbons

It's about hunger, it's a tease, it's a plea.... It's a warning !

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Sign the petition to save jobs at Birmingham Met College

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 Greg Rucka Signin

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The news we all wanted to hear


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Features - Exam Hints

asleep in an exam

Exam time is probably one of the most stressful periods in our lives. Fear of failure, our parents expectations and peer group pressure all add to the feeling of anxiety.

Although some tension is natural, overreacting can actually affect exam performance:

• You become mentally aroused (not alert). This can result in an ability to focus and you will become easily distracted

• Nerves can lead you to make silly errors

• Excess tension is extremely tiring – and if you’re tired you will have less time for revision

• Turning off at night can become a problem which will disturb your sleep, leading to further fatigue

Planning a revision timetable carefully and implementing some simple stress relieving techniques can help cut down on tension and improve your exam performance. Try these simple tips from Pro Plus – the student’s buddy –

too tired to study

• Plan a timetable – and stick to it

• Read through all your work and make concise notes listing key points

• Use highlighters, diagrams and mnemonics to help you remember information

• Revise with friends from time to time to get a different aspect on your subject

• Study past papers

• Get plenty of sleep

• For relief of temporary tiredness, drink coffee or take an OTC product such as Pro Plus

students - click here to win the help of a Pro Plus Buddy for the day!



Last year over 1,990,000 students over the age of eighteen took some form of examination between April and June. In an increasingly competitive job market, qualifications have never been more important to getting a foot in the door. Students are more stressed than ever - revision pressure, fear of failure and parental expectations all lead to anxiety that can affect performance.

Fortunately, help is at hand. Pro Plus – the student’s buddy – have set up a website called EssayFly, the ultimate tool for students to use for research, revision tactics and stress management. Launching at the beginning of April, in time for last minute cramming, combines hints and tips on revision and exams together with an instant access database of essays posted on the site by students, for students.

If a student wants to do some research for an essay or revise a particular subject, they will type in a key word e.g. Charles Dickens, and the database will bring up a list of essays for them to study. They also have the opportunity to add their own essays to the site to help other students. It is hoped that EssayFly will evolve into the definitive student’s secret weapon.

And, for the odd moment of relaxation in between revision, students can try their skills at the Pro Plus Buddy dancing game!

Pro Plus, for the relief of temporary tiredness, has been a student favourite for decades helping them to stay alert during the demanding revision times. Pro Plus is available in fast acting, easy to swallow tablets containing 50mg of caffeine – equivalent to two cups of coffee. Prices start at £2.09 for 24 tablets.

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