Today's Headlines Search

 Les Bonbons

It's about hunger, it's a tease, it's a plea.... It's a warning !

 Save Jobs at BMC

Sign the petition to save jobs at Birmingham Met College

 Top 10 Things To

Going off to university this September? Not sure what to take with you?

 Greg Rucka Signin

Greg Rucka, popular comic writer does a signing at Forbidden Planet Bristol.

 Love Is Good

The news we all wanted to hear


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Features - Terry Pratchett Signing

Terry will be signing at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore. The largest store of its kind in the UK, perhaps in the world, this store continues the Forbidden Planet tradition of hosting appearances by the greatest names in science fiction and fantasy. Previous guests have Christopher Lee, Andy Serkis, Iain Banks, Douglas Adams, Anne McCaffrey, Clive Barker, Stephen King, William Gibson and H. R. Giger.


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