Today's Headlines Search

 Les Bonbons

It's about hunger, it's a tease, it's a plea.... It's a warning !

 Save Jobs at BMC

Sign the petition to save jobs at Birmingham Met College

 Top 10 Things To

Going off to university this September? Not sure what to take with you?

 Greg Rucka Signin

Greg Rucka, popular comic writer does a signing at Forbidden Planet Bristol.

 Love Is Good

The news we all wanted to hear


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Features - Environmental Art

The environmental pressure group Stop Climate Chaos, as part of it's campaign I Count, is challenging artists to come up with artwork to support the campaign.

This could mean that your artwork, if chosen, will go on full page newspapers or magazines, you could see it on the Tube, or on the side of a bus, or even on web banners! Whatever the case, I Count will be sure to use it to promote their future campaigns and events!

Read their creative brief - the how, the where, and the what kind.

A couple of pointers :
  • This isn't just an invite for the drawing on paper or screen crowd, don't be afraid to submit other media!
  • Make it positive and inspiring. Get a message across. Inspire the world to take their own actions against climate change and get them thinking "my actions count".
  • The winning artwork will be the main visual message of the campaign. It will feature in press ads, outdoor ads, posters, leaflets, badges, and online communications.
  • You've got until 12 PM, 2 April 2007. Get to it!


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